
Мy name is Kyle and I'm from New York. I currently work at the New York City Cyber Command. I received a Master's degree in Cybersecurity from NYU's Tandon School of Engineering, where I was also awarded the SFS CyberCorps scholarship. I graduated from Fordham University in the Bronx with a Bachelor's of Science degree (major in Computer Science and a minor in Cybersecurity). I love all things programming, hacking, and cybersecurity. I have been rowing for 8+ years and I enjoy studying and practicing foreign languages, especially Russian.

Credit: This site is a heavily modified version of the Millennial theme created by Paul Le. Timelapse video provided by Lukas Bieri on Pixabay. 404 ice cream image created by Briana Banks on ArtStation. Text glitch effect created by Simon Shahriveri on CodePen. Language switcher design created by Sebastien Conejo on CodePen. Homepage scrolling created with fullPage.js. PDF embeds made with PDF.js. Website source code located here.